Sunday, March 21, 2010


Page by Page Photos of Household Hints

Hello to all,

Household Hints, page by page photos are now up and can be clicked for further photo detail! This time, I was a little smarter and I put them up in reverse order so you would be able to see them in proper order!

I also updated the "Page 7 Special Pocket Page" for the torn page so that one is in the background section.

As I go through page by page, I know there are a few things missing from the kits, a piece of pattern paper here and a piece of cardstock there. I know that some have gotten in touch with me already, but for those of you who haven't, please email me.

Take Care,

Page 1 and 2

Page 3 and 4

Tag Backs and Fronts

Page 5 and 6

Page 7 and 8